Canceling your paid Webappz subscription
To cancel your subscription at Webappz, please go to the Billing section of your Webappz account and find the subscription you would like to cancel. Hover the dots and choose Cancel Subscription in the drop-down menu.
Once you click Cancel, your subscription gets terminated. It means that this subscription will remain active until the end of the period. For instance, if you subscribed on a yearly basis on October 17, 2019 and canceled the subscription on December 17, 2019, you will still be on the plan you've paid for until October 17, 2020. Once the paid period is over, you'll be automatically switched to the Lite (Free) plan. Your widget will still be displayed on your webpage, and you’ll still be able to work with it in your Webappz Apps account.
In case you change your mind while your subscription is still active, simply click on the Resubscribe button: